Ganglion cysts are small lumps formed under the skin and filled with viscous synovial fluid. These cysts are also called Synovial cysts, Bible cysts or Bible bumps. Ganglion cysts’ treatment is rather simple. Most people resort to ganglion cyst home treatment and are healed in a short span of time. Ganglion cysts can by as small as a pea or up to nearly an inch in diameter. Generally, ganglion cysts form over a joint in the wrists, ankles, fingers, shoulders, elbows, knees or soles of the feet. Ganglion cysts may feel spongy or firm, depending upon the size of the cyst. Symptoms associated with ganglion cysts include pain along with a tingling sensation, muscle weakness or numbness.
While the exact causes for the development of ganglion cysts are still being debated, it is commonly believed that the main reason for a ganglion cyst is the leakage of synovial fluid from the joint to the surroundings. Ganglion cysts are known to occur in people between the ages of 15 and 40 years and women and gymnasts who repeatedly put pressure on their wrists are more prone to develop these cysts. An injury to a joint or tendon and osteoarthritis also trigger the development of ganglion cysts.
Ganglion cyst home treatment is generally effective with mild medication. However, in certain cases, surgery is considered the best option.
Here are the top home treatments for ganglion cysts:
Warm Compress
A warm compress is the least evasive home treatment for ganglion cysts. It reduces the discomfort, pain and swelling by increasing blood circulation in the affected area. It also promotes synovial fluid drainage.
Soak a washcloth in warm water and squeeze out the extra water. Apply this warm compress directly on the affected area for 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat the warm compress process 3 to 4 times every day till the cyst bursts or disappears.
Black Tea Bags
Black Tea is known to have acidic properties which help heal a ganglion cyst and prevent it from worsening. The anti-inflammatory properties of Black Tea provide relief from swelling and pain.
Dip a Black Tea Bag in warm water for 5 minutes. Remove the Tea Bag and squeeze out the extra water. Keep the warm Tea Bag on the cyst for at least 10 minutes. Repeat this process 4 to 5 times every day for a few days or till the cyst disappears.
Frankincense Oil
Frankincense Oil is a very effective astringent and it helps in reducing the size of a ganglion cyst. It eases the pain and prevents the recurrence of the cyst.
Apply 2 drops of Frankincense Oil on the cyst and cover it with a soft, clean bandage. After 24 hours or so, remove the bandage and repeat the process, using a clean bandage. Follow this procedure for a few days till the cyst disappears. In order to prevent recurrence, follow this procedure for a fortnight after the cyst disappears.
Ginger has strong anti-inflammatory properties which help ease the pain and discomfort caused by a ganglion cyst. Ginger also blocks Cox-2 activity which is the likely cause of pain in a ganglion cyst.
You can drink homemade Ginger Tea 2 to 3 times every day. To make Ginger Tea, cut an inch of fresh Ginger into fine slices and let them simmer in a cup of water for 10 minutes or more.
You can also include more fresh Ginger in your cooking at home or take Ginger supplements after consulting a medical practitioner. Generally, taking 500 to 1000 mg of Ginger supplements once or twice every day is considered a safe and effective level of intake.
Turmeric has been used for centuries to provide relief in many types of pain and for reducing inflammation. It also provides relief in pain and inflammation due to a ganglion cyst. Curcumin present in Turmeric helps reduce inflammation by regulating cytokines, protein kinases, redox status, enzymes, adhesion molecules and many other transcription factors linked to inflammation.
Fresh Turmeric Juice should be applied directly on the affected area 2 to 3 times every day for many days. Alternatively, Turmeric can be taken in the form of supplements after consulting a medical practitioner. This is particularly important and relevant for people who are taking blood thinning medicines. These supplements tend to increase the risk of bleeding in certain cases.
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe Vera Gel has anti-inflammatory properties which help in expediting the healing process of a ganglion cyst. It reduces the pain and swelling caused by a ganglion cyst.
Gel should be extracted from a fresh Aloe Vera leaf and gently applied on the affected area. This should be left on the skin for at least 20 minutes, before being washed with tepid water. This process should be repeated for 3 to 4 times every day for a few days or till the cyst disappears.
Castor Oil
Castor Oil contains ricin, an antibacterial compound which helps in curing infection and in reducing the swelling and irritation on the skin.
Soak a piece of clean cloth in Castor Oil and hold it on the cyst for 20 to 30 minutes. Alternatively, you may rub Castor Oil directly on the affected area for a few minutes. The process is to be repeated 3 to 4 times every day for a few days or till the cyst disappears.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties due to which it has been found to be very effective in cases of skin infections. It is a popular home remedy for treating ganglion cysts as well.
Soak a cotton ball in Apple Cider Vinegar and apply it on the ganglion cyst. Use a band to keep it in place for about half an hour or so. Repeat this process 3 to 4 times every day for a few days or till the cyst disappears.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea Tree Oil has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties and is used as a home remedy for treating Ganglion, Sebaceous and Pilonidal cysts.
Two drops of Tea Tree Oil should be diluted in coconut oil and applied directly on the ganglion cyst using a cotton ball. You can use a band to keep the cotton ball in place for about half an hour. This process should be repeated 3 to 4 times every day for a few days or till the cyst disappears.
Glycerin, Epsom Salt and Borax
A mixture of Glycerin, Epsom Salt and Borax is effectively used as a home remedy to treat ganglion cysts.
Mix 3 oz of warm Glycerin, 1/8 teaspoon of Borax and half a teaspoon of Epson Salt well, till the solids get dissolved completely. Apply this mixture on the ganglion cyst using a cotton swab and bandage the area with a medical tape. Repeat this process twice every day for a few days or till the cyst disappears.
Alternatively, you can also mix one tablespoon of Epsom Salt in 1 to 2 cups of tepid water and soak the affected area in this solution for 20 to 30 minutes. This process should be repeated for a few days or till the cyst disappears.
Arnica has multiple medicinal properties. It increases the glow on your skin and flushes out the toxins from your body. It increases blood circulation and speeds up the healing process. The anti-inflammatory properties of Arnica help in reducing inflammation due to a ganglion cyst. They also make the cyst less red and reduce the swelling.
Arnica is available in various forms such as liquid, ointment, gel, cream and capsules. A thin layer of Arnica gel or cream may be applied on the affected area 3 to 4 times every day for a few days or till the cyst disappears.
Alternatively, Arnica Essential Oil can be diluted in an equal part of olive oil or coconut oil. You should gently massage the affected area using this diluted mixture and use a bandage at least 2 to 3 times every day for a few days or till the cyst disappears.
As some people are allergic or sensitive to Arnica, it is advisable to do a small test before starting the use of Arnica in any form.
While popular remedies for ganglion cyst home treatment given above are regarded as safe, it is wise to consult a medical practitioner if medical conditions aggravate or surgery is considered appropriate in any particular case.
There you have it. The top home treatments for ganglion cysts. Check out Wikipedia for more information.